Hi-fi rush characters
Hi-fi rush characters

hi-fi rush characters

Pat about to go fight Mimosa: "Yeah, let's go kill someone!!"

hi-fi rush characters

In spite of the game's Saturday Morning Cartoon look, it seemingly averts Never Say "Die", with almost all of the bosses Chai fights explode into nothing upon defeat, implying they just died in front of him, yet this never really seems to be brought into question by anyone or is just taken in stride.

hi-fi rush characters

The ending, in which Chai finally starts learning to play guitar, can also be viewed either way: He can finally start practicing now that he has a working arm again, or his Character Development has inspired him to give it a try. That interpretation also plays a bit better with his Slacker tendencies. However, Chai's response to Peppermint asking about his guitar skills is one of nervousness and attempting to dodge the question, which in a world where getting a working prosthetic arm is a mundane procedure feels somewhat inconsistent with him having a legitimate physical barrier with not being able to play guitar. Later, he takes Kale's insult that he is "nothing without his arm" very personally. Is Chai's inability to play the guitar at the start of the story just because his arm was not fully functional, or did he never bother learning to begin with? For the former, it was why he participated in Project Armstrong to get a new arm.

hi-fi rush characters

Furthermore, Roquefort reveals that Kale saved his life by giving him a robotic body, implying that he might have a genuinely good side to him underneath his corrupted nature, which, in turn, adds further credence that he is a Well-Intentioned Extremist.

  • Is Kale a villainous Corrupt Corporate Executive like the game paints him as? Or is he a Well-Intentioned Extremist who genuinely believes he is doing good, but is too blinded by his own ambition to realize that he is wrong? While Kale is shown to be a corrupted Bad Boss who has no problems killing others who are against or disloyal to him ( as Korsica quickly finds out), and his plan to use SPECTRA as a way to hypnotize consumers is motivated by profit above all else, he is legitimately appalled whenever someone accuses him of wanting to use SPECTRA as a way to enslave people and achieve world domination, and he continuously states that SPECTRA was designed to "save" and "free" people from overthinking about their consumerism.

  • Hi-fi rush characters